Bind me to the altar

I’ve been reading a book called Hinds Feet in High Places. I’ve read it several times over the years, and this time seems to be the most profound. Since I’ve been changing from glory to glory, the book also changes because I am in a different place each time I read it. It’s also true with the Bible, that is why some things pop out at you when you read it, even though you read that part before. It’s because you weren’t in a place YET to understand and receive.

So this part I read caused me to cry out to the Lord, and truly changed me right then and there. It said:

“I am a very great coward. I am afraid that the pain may cause me to try to resist you. Will you bind me to the altar in some way so that I cannot move? I would not like to be found struggling while Your will is done.”

As I read this, I realized I had not been bound to the altar, meaning, truly surrendered completely all that I am, all my plans, all my ideas, visions and dreams. This revelation caused a deep change in me, and I pray that it does for you. Because only when we are truly BOUND to the Lord in this way, will we Abound in all things.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

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